Never Go #FullAnakin


Worried about our country? Then you need to stop going #FullAnakin.

“If you’re not with me, then you are my enemy.”

At the end of Star Wars Episode 3, Anakin utters these 10 words and cements his turn to the dark side and enters into a battle that will necessitate and complete his transformation into Darth Vader.

With this simple statement, Anakin has chosen his side.  He has chosen his tribe, and in doing so has eliminated any chance of being helped by those loved and cared about him…those with whom he had already established good will and common ground.  He had alienated completely those people who called him friend.

In our fast-paced world of social media and 24 hour news cycles, we have changed the way we communicate.  We now “speak to each other in tweets, soundbites, and talking points.  Social Media has made people “brave”.  They can now throw whatever rhetorical bomb they want, and never have to deal with the consequences.  They just unfriend or block the person to avoid the blow-back.  We no longer have to look someone in the eye and deal with the consequences of our statements, face to face.  We view every conversation in terms of wins and losses, instead of an exchange of ideas.  “Adult” conversations now sound more like those of our children.  We have lost sight of the middle ground.  We have lost what was once taught as a vital skill…the ability to disagree agreeably.

I wonder if politicians know and understand this and use it to their own benefit to either get or consolidate power?  Hmmm, maybe if we keep the rubes fighting about things, they won’t pay attention to what we, their elected “representatives” are actually doing, or not.  Hmmm.  I wonder if our politicians would make grand speeches about what they think, or what they disagree with, or who is evil and must be stopped, or who is committing a silent coup?  Maybe they’ll even introduce (non-binding) resolutions to show everyone just how virtuous they are, know they’ll never actually have to DO anything?

How do you know if you’ve already gone #FullAnakin?

Are you #MAGA or #AlwaysTrump?  Are you #Resistance or #NeverTrump?  If you’re either, you’ve already gone #FullAnakin.

If everything <insert politician/personality name here> does is completely awesome or completely evil, you’ve lost the ability to call balls and strikes.  No one is always/never anything.  You’ve gone #FullAnakin.

If someone voices disagreement with an opinion you have, do you view it as an attack?  Is a grave injustice and offense to the very core of your being?  Is your first reflex to label them a racist/fascist/communist/Evil McEvilDoer?  If so, you’ve gone #FullAnakin.

Let’s take the impeachment process currently underway.  Is President Trump (or “45” as the woke folks call him) guilty or innocent?  If you already have an answer to this question, you’ve already gone #FullAnakin.  This includes those Senators and presidential candidates who have already stated how they would/will vote, BEFORE they’ve seen any actual evidence based on the actual articles of impeachment that haven’t even been passed by the House of Representatives, yet.

How to cure yourself of #FullAnakin syndrome?

First, recognize that there is more that unites us than divides us.  We are a nation that believes in the idea that is America, that we are all equal under the law.  We are a nation that believes government is the guarantor of rights, not the granter of them.  We believe in the individual, and the individual’s worth.  We are a nation that believes all citizens have the right to express themselves and pursue their happiness, so long as it doesn’t violate the rights of another.

Second, don’t assign to malice to what is more easily/appropriately explained by ignorance or a mistake.  Think about it.  When someone you agree with makes an error, do you assume it is due to ill intent, or do you give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the error is due to a lack of information or understanding?  If you do that for those with whom you agree, what could possibly be the rationale for not doing so for those who don’t?  Imagine the goodwill you could create with those people.  Imagine how they would treat you and they you.  For example, does everyone who believes in universal healthcare really only believe in it so they can take all your money, give it to poor people, and boss you around?  Does everyone who disagrees with universal healthcare feel the way they do because they’re cheap and want grandma and children to die?  Of course not.  Different people have different ideas on how to solve problems.  Not all of their ideas are good, but is there really a measurable quantity that are evil?  See how that works?  It’s not hard.

Third, get out of the tribe/silo you’ve put yourself, or allowed someone to convince you that you belong in.  Recognize that the United State of America IS your tribe.  Your neighbors you disagree with, your family you disagree with, the person who disagrees with you that you’ve been friends with since childhood…THEY ARE ALL YOUR TRIBE.  It may sound cliche, but when I joined the Navy, one of the first things pointed out to us was that there is only one color in the Navy, and that is Navy Blue.  It’s a little simplistic and maybe clumsy, but it hammers the point home…although we look different, come from different backgrounds, hold different beliefs on issues, have different preferences or orientations, we are all ONE FAMILY.  Anyone with siblings knows you pick on your family.  You fight with your family…sometimes there are even bloody noses, black eyes, or fat lips.  But once it’s done, it’s done.  They’re YOURS and YOU’RE theirs.  That’s what happens in a family.  On the flip side of that, God help anyone who isn’t your family who tries to start something with your family.  Family stands and fights and fights for each other, and that is who we are.  Imagine what would happen if a person who disagreed with you on an issue stood next to you and fought with you and for you on another issue?  Imagine what would happen if you did the same for them?  How much more willing would we all be to work in good faith with each other on the larger things that we do have genuine disagreements about?

If our Republic is to survive, if the idea that is America is to survive, the we MUST start behaving like adults.  We have to be able to hear opinions and ideas we don’t like without taking our ball and going home…like children.  We need to have rational, productive conversations centered around principles and solutions with the people we disagree with.

It is time for us all to start acting like adults.